2011年8月21日 星期日

How to do the make up on female mask

Step1: Do the make up separately in 5 sections

Step2: To use the eyebrow sticker(from left to right):

1. Remove the protective plastic layer
2. Put the eyebrow against mask,apply water on the paper surface until it completelysoaked with water.
3. Remove the paper
4. Refine the eyebrow with pencil

Step3: Applying eyeliner and eye shadow

Step4: Stick eyelash and apply cheek powder

Step5: Apply lip stick or lip gloss

Looks Good?

Where to buy this female mask - Emily

visit the website : http://www.feminization.us/

2011年4月9日 星期六


萊卡 緊身服 – 萊卡緊身服是入門之選喔, 質地柔軟有彈性, 可以緊繃地覆蓋全身每一部位, Lycorcatsuit 的特種設計甚至可以讓手指亦有緊貼的感覺。


塗膠 緊身服 – 進階之選,彈性比萊卡稍遜,但物料表面有金屬光澤,同樣的緊貼,不一樣的感覺



PVC 緊身服 – 進進階之選,彈性較少,但表面有塑膠的光澤,很有質感



乳膠 緊身服 – 終極之選, 極高彈性,用天然橡膠製成, 纖薄而彈性驚人, 穿上後可以把肌肉完美呈現, 感覺就像穿上另一層皮膚一樣,緊實包裹。

Libidex 極限緊身服:


2011年4月6日 星期三


想成我們的夥伴, 從而認識喜歡緊身服的另一個  她/他  嗎?

參加我們的夥伴計畫除了可以讓你找到興趣相投的另一個  她/他 外, 還可以選擇參加我們舉辦的活動, 遊戲, 享受購物折扣,以及最新最好玩各種即興節目, 不心動嗎? 按  這裡 加入我們


1. 交換連結

如果你有一個部落格/blog /網站 我們歡迎與你交換連結, 除了可以讓更多人欣賞到你的作品外, 更可以藉此加入我們的夥伴行列, 不是很好嗎?   按  這裡 加入我們吧

2. 成為我們的銷售伙伴

如果你對緊身服有興趣, 而又想以此賺取收入, 歡迎參加我們的銷售伙伴計畫。你只需在論壇,Facebook, 或者任何地方貼上我們給你的專屬連結, 當有人透過此連結購買衣服, 我們就會給予你15%的銷售佣金, 只是簡單的黏貼連結就可以有現金收入, 還不行動嗎? 按  這裡 加入我們

3. 介紹朋友

介紹你喜歡的緊身服朋友給我們認識, 讓他登記成為我們的夥伴, 你們就可以一同得到夥伴資格

按  這裡 加入我們

最後, 再提醒一下,  我們的活動多采多姿, 說不定你希望找到的 她/他 已經登記成為我們的夥伴了, 你也一齊來吧 按  這裡 加入我們

2011年2月21日 星期一

2011年2月13日 星期日

Trying to start a relationship - A zentai lover's statement

Here below is A zentai lover's statement and it's also a reflection of lots zentai lovers

So, I'm 25, and I've never been in a serious relationship. My friends and family are all getting engaged around me, and I don't even have someone i can call a significant other.

I'm trying to work on that, except I have a few issues.
1. I'm "confused" with my sexuality (i.e. i "want" to be able to have a relationship with a female, but my inner feelings seem to want a male).
2. I consider my spandex fetish a significant part of my life
3. I consider 1 and 2 to be significant parts of "me", but also my biggest secrets.

I briefly tried a relationship in college, but while trying to be open, it kind of backfired a bit on me and I had a bad experience.

So, I'm trying to start a relationship with a girl I met at work (who has since returned to school), and we started "dating" right after xmas. 

So, obviously, the relationship is already with its challenges currently being long-distance. But she's also picking up that I'm being very reserved and closed, and also not reciprocating the feelings as much.

So not really knowing if this relationship can or will work out for any length of time, I think i'm going to have a hard time developing any kind of intimate relationship with these dilemmas I'm presenting myself with and I feel close to wit's end.

Obviously there is no one easy right answer, maybe I just needed to get this off my chest. It's just hard. Very hard.

I mean, she seems pretty open and whatnot, so if I told her I had a spandex fetish, it might go ok, or if I told her I was bisexual, that might go over ok too. (probably not both at the same time). But if I told her, if she accepts it or likes, or understands it, it could bring us very close together. Or, it could blow up in my face and she could tell people what I consider to be my biggest and most closely guarded secrets


2011年1月4日 星期二

Cosplay, I love it !!!

Cosplay, short for "costume play", is a fan labor type of performance art in which participants don costumes and accessories to represent a specific character or idea. Characters are often drawn from popular fiction in Japan. Favorite sources include manga, anime, tokusatsu, comic books, graphic novels, video games, hentai and fantasy movies. Role play includes portrayals of J-pop and J-rock stars, Taiwanese puppet characters, science fiction characters, characters from musical stories, classic novels, and entertainment software. Any entity from the real or virtual world that lend itself to dramatic interpretation may be taken up as a subject. Inanimate objects are given an anthropomorphic forms and it is not unusual to see genders switched, with women playing male roles and vice versa.
Cosplayers often interact to create a subculture centered around role play. A broader use of the term cosplay applies it to any costumed role play in venues apart from the stage, regardless of the cultural context.


cosplay girls01 Hot Cosplay Girls

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cosplay girls10 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls11 Hot Cosplay Girls

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cosplay girls18 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls19 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls20 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls21 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls22 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls23 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls24 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls25 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls26 Hot Cosplay Girls

cosplay girls27 Hot Cosplay Girls

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cosplay girls29 Hot Cosplay Girls

What is this????

What is this? A river? A lake? Maybe a field of different flowers? No, no and no. Just take a look after the jump. You will be surprised ;)

what is this01 A Lot of?

what is this02 A Lot of?

what is this03 A Lot of?

what is this04 A Lot of?

2011年1月3日 星期一

Zentai Human hotspot :)

It appears that UK cell phone operator is doing is doing a promotion involving dressing up people in zentai and wandering about town as "Human Hotspots" to promote thier network. If you're in the UK in any of the following cities/days, be on the lookout!

2011年1月1日 星期六


LA-022 ( US$ 20 ) latex thickness 0.5mm

Bought from http://www.feminization.us, nice cutting with fine quality 

year 2009 on December, just got laid off by one company, one year after 2010 right now, entered another company

2009, couple ; right now, Single

hoping that this blog can become a place for friendship and catsuit lovers, and share ideas and interest around catsuits, latex and zentais. :)