2017年3月29日 星期三

How to Look Hot in Your Femme Photos (MTF Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

How to Look Hot in Your Femme Photos (MTF Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


Photos are a great way to share your femme self with the world.

But maybe you think you have to look like a model to take stunning photos?

Guess again! Taking beautiful photos is all about SKILL.

Here are my top 5 secrets for looking HOT in your femme photos:
1. Angle your body

When it comes to flattering photos, it’s all about the angles.

The #1 rule is to avoid facing the camera straight on. This tends to make your body look wider than it actually is.

Instead, angle your torso away from the camera. This creates the illusion of smaller shoulders and helps balance the proportions of your body.
2. Position the camera correctly

The camera angle has a huge impact on how your photos turn out. If the camera is too low, it can create the look of a double chin.

The camera lens should be positioned at or above eye level for the most flattering shots.

Another tip is to project your chin forward an inch or so more than normal. This helps define your jawline, regardless of the camera angle.
3. Find your best side

It’s not a myth that everybody has a “good side”. Our faces aren’t perfectly symmetrical, so they look different from each side.

